
Let us draw strength from our history and spirit of unity

LETTERS: As we celebrate the 67th anniversary of Malaysia's independence, we stand at a crossroads marked by both challenges and opportunities.

In recent years, our nation has faced trials that have tested our resilience and determination: the depreciating value of the ringgit, poor educational standards, racial and religious polarisation, social media issues, and the increasing impact of extreme weather.

In the face of these challenges, let us draw strength from our history and spirit of unity that led to our independence.

This anniversary is a moment of reflection and a call to action for all Malaysians.

Our nation's greatest asset is diversity. Let us embrace our unique backgrounds and cultures, fostering a climate of respect, understanding and inclusivity to continue with our task to build a harmonious society.

As we commemorate this year's National Day, I wish to reiterate once again the importance of the Rukun Negara, which should be our guide for nation-building.

The Rukun Negara contains five aspirations (objectives) and five principles, but not many are aware of the former.

The aspirations of the Rukun Negara are to achieve greater unity among Malaysians; preserving a democratic way of life, creating a just society where prosperity in the country can be enjoyed in an equitable manner; ensuring a liberal approach to our rich and varied cultural traditions; and building a progressive society through science and technology.

Malaysians of different ethnic origins must always be conscious of the need to have mutual respect for one another.

They must always remain vigilant and be conscious of the sensitivities of our respective religions and cultures for the sake of inter-racial harmony. All Malaysians must adopt and practise the principle of moderation, which is the key to nation-building.

The most urgent task of all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion and political affiliation is to ensure racial and religious harmony, and reject all forms of extremism which can undermine inter-racial and inter-religious peace and harmony.

This is the time for all level-headed patriotic Malaysians to stand up and be counted in furthering the cause of a united Malaysian nation.

Quality education is the cornerstone of progress. It is vital that we maintain high educational standards to ensure that every Malaysian has access to the resources and opportunities necessary for success.

To boost our economy, we must foster an environment conducive to economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship and fight corruption wherever it exists.

On politics, it is our responsibility as citizens to engage actively in the democratic process, holding our leaders accountable and advocating policies that prioritise the welfare and progress of the people.

Political uncertainty can often lead to disunity and the wastage of natural resources.

The effects of extreme weather call for urgent response. We must prioritise environmental sustainability and safeguard our natural resources for future generations.

As we commemorate this significant milestone, let us pledge to cultivate a Malaysia founded on mutual respect and cooperation.

Together we can transform our challenges into stepping stones for inclusivity and success.



National Unity Advisory Council

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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