Prestariang, Dell to collaborate on SKIN project 

NST Business


KUALA LUMPUR: Prestariang Bhd will collaborate with Dell Global Business Center Sdn Bhd on the implementation of the Sistem Kawalan Imigresen Nasional (SKIN) project.

It has also appointed In Continu Et Services (INCS) as its strategic technology partner to perform the works and services on the project.

According to a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Prestariang SKIN Sdn Bhd (PSKIN), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Prestrariang Services Sdn Bhd, has entered into an agreement with Dell.

Both parties have agreed to collaborate and co-operate with each other on a confidential basis to mutually agree on the workshare, scope of works and price. A subcontract agreement shall be entered between the parties.

PSKIN will furnish Dell all applicable documents concerning the project and workshare while Dell will prepare the technical portions of the proposal relating to, and perform the work entailed in the areas which are to be scoped out separately and mutually agreed between parties.

In a separate filing, Prestariang announced that Prestariang Tech Services Sdn Bhd (PTECH) has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for the development phase with INCS, a subsidiary of Imprimerie Nationale SA (IN), appointing INCS as its strategic technology partner.

The SKIN project is a RM3.5 billion concession agreement with the Home Affairs Ministry for a period of 15 years.



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