China-Asean Entrepreneurs Forum (CAEF) strengthens trade and cultural exchanges

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian delegates participating at the China-Asean Entrepreneurs Forum (CAEF) laud efforts in promoting trade and cultural exchange across southeast Asia.

The Malaysian Cultural and Economic Promotion Association (Gabungan Persatuan Perkembangan Budaya & Ekonomi Malaysia or GABEM) participated in the knowledge sharing sessions of ‘Investment Projects in Laos’, ‘Trade and Investment Opportunities in Myanmar’ and ‘New Tourism – New Future, the One Belt One Road Initiative & Win-Win Cooperation’.

When met at the forum, GABEM deputy president Dr Leong Kai Hin said he gained an overview of investment policy and tax incentives offered by the governments of Laos and Myanmar.

Leong also noted Kunming is known as China’s City of Flowers and Yunan is famous for its Pu-Er tea exports, enjoyed throughout southeast Asian’s chinese tea-drinking community.

“Some of GABEM members are here in China to source for premium tea,” he said.

Among GABEM members who were of China nationals engaging in cross border trade and cultural exchange are Zhang Mei who imports vegetable and fruits from China to Malaysia; Hu Rong, a documentary and film-maker and Fu Guang Qi, a nature-loving artist who has exhibited her collections of birds and flowers paintings in Kuala Lumpur.

The CAEF, which is in line with China President Xi JinPing’s ‘One Belt One Road Initiative’, was jointly hosted by the China-Asean Business Council, the Finance Centre for South-South Cooperation, the Hong Kong Ta Kung Wen Wei Media Group, Ali Research and TAETEA Group.

The signing ceremony between CAEF and the China-Asean Business Council was officiated by TAETEA Group president Wu Yuanzhi and China-Asean Business Council executive president Xu Ningning, who is also the chief business expert of China-Asean relations.

CAEF was organised under the themes ‘Jointly Progressing on Innovation-Driven Ground’ and ‘Embracing a New Economic Era in Asia’.

In a separate interview with NST Business, CAEF deputy secretary general Dennis Wu noted southeast Asia is an important base for China’s outward-looking Belt and Road initiative.

As the 10 nations firm up the establishment of the 600 million strong ASEAN Community, he said, it would continue to strengthen cross border exports and investments with China.

"We invited Malaysian delegates this year because Malaysia is one of the members of ASEAN. We would like to hear the voice of Malaysia and hope to build up better economic co-operation with Malaysian businesses," said Wu.

Wu noted the inaugural edition of the China-Asean Entrepreneurs Forum series took place in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province from December 28 to 30, 2016. Subsequently, the second edition was held in Kunming, China earlier this month.

When asked whether the third edition will continue to be held in China next year, Wu said as the cross border business interests become stronger, CAEF will likely next be held in one of the Asean countries.

“While we have not decided whether we go out of China next year or in 2019, we hope there will be more participants from Malaysia in the future editions," said Wu.

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