myBIM Centre enables industry to model, visualise building projects

KUALA LUMPUR: The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has introduced the country’s first one-stop “myBIM Centre” to drive the use of building information modelling (BIM) system among industry players.

The resource centre enables industry players to model and visualise building projects in a simulated environment by using BIM.

MyBIM Centre is an initiative under the construction industry transformation programme (CITP) 2016-2020, which seeks to transform Malaysia’s sustainable infrastructure to be a model for the emerging world.

BIM is a modelling technology to produce, communicate and analyse digital information models throughout the construction project life-cycle.

CIDB said it was recognised as an advanced information and communications technology that allowed users to design, visualise, simulate and analyse the key physical and functional characteristics of each element in a project virtually and even before the start of construction.

Its advantages such as faster and more effective, better design, automated assembly and better quality.

BIM also improves safety right from the planning stage as its digital modelling system allows for simulations to be examined and analysed.

“With this methodology, errors and flaws can be spotted from the start, and corrected before construction commences.

With the launch of myBIM Centre, BIM software and proficiency training programmes will be offered, complementing the use of the National BIM Library portal.

To date, 1,300 BIM personnel have been trained by CIDB. The centre also features state-of-the-art facilities, including a lab, seminar room, showcase area and a studio that is available for rental to all BIM practitioners.

CIDB said CITP’s four strategic thrusts — quality, safety and professionalism, environmental sustainability, productivity and internationalisation — had clearly outlined the game-changers for the industry.

Similarly, in line with the productivity thrust, CIDB is currently pursuing the implementation of industrialised building system (IBS) as its key initiative.

With IBS, developers could complete their projects in a shorter period of time, it said.

To buyers, an IBS home can be ideal as it cuts back on the waiting time and they can save on the cost of renting elsewhere while their homes are being constructed.

IBS adoption also reduces the idling period as traditional means of construction need to wait for the ongoing project to be completed before deploying the team to new projects.

“As building components are produced in factories with a high degree of mechanisation and automisation, requiring very few workers to be involved, this would translate into fewer or no safety incidents,” CIDB added.

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