Petra to increase solar electricity capacity quotas by at least 30pct from January 2025

KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (Petra) has announced updated guidelines that will allow the public and industries to generate at least 30 per centmore electricity by installing solar panels.

Under the Net Energy Metering (NEM) programme, consumers can use solar panels for their own needs, and any excess energy is sent back to the grid, earning credits to reduce their electricity bills.

The Ministry on Monday announced changes to the NEM programme, which now increases the quota for solar system capacity for the general public by 150 megawatt (MW), to 600 MW from Jan 1, 2025.

A RM4,000 rebate, under the Solar Incentive Scheme for the People (SolaRIS), to encourage installation of solar panels for Malaysians has also been extended to April 2025.

Petra said it is also opening up the NEM programme for electricity users in the agricultural sector to benefit from solar PV installation, in support of efforts to enhance the country's food security.

The quota for commercial and industrial electricity users, under its NEM NOVA programme, has also been raised by 300 MW to 1,700 MW.

Petra said in the statement, the measure is to support companies and corporate entities to meet their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments, as well as users in the agricultural sector.

All NEM quotas are available for application until June 30, 2025, or until they are fully allocated, whichever comes first.

The Ministry said the measures are to support the country's goal of achieving a 70 per cent renewable energy mix by 2050.

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