(Showbiz) Nora moved by Indonesian who covered her song

Singer Nora Ariffin, 44, received a surprise recently from her Instagram followers when they told her that her song, Dipersimpangan Dilema, has been covered as a single by Indonesian singer Terry Shahab. 

Nora felt touched to know that the song, composed by the late Adnan Abu Hassan, written by Elyna and released 25 years ago, was still relevant to be heard and turned into a single.

Nora took to Instagram to express her thoughts and shared Terry’s music video. 

“Although it has been 25 years since this song came out, the tune is still relevant. This was the song that propelled my singing career in the early 1990s.

Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) I’m still here and singing. Dipersimpangan Dilema is the mandatory song in my performances,” she said.

Some fans and followers commented that the tune was one of their favourite hits by Nora. Some even said Terry could pass off as Nora’s younger sister with their similar looks. 

Terry’s rendition of Dipersimpangan Dilema blends the original tune with a modern twist.

Fans can watch Terry’s music video on YouTube.

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