(Showbiz) Farid Kamil is back on social media!

KUALA LUMPUR: Netizens are delighted to find popular actor Datuk Farid Kamil returning to social media earlier today, after almost two weeks since his arrest.

The 36-year-old husband of actress Datin Diana Danielle who is out on police bail, took to Instagram to post a promotional poster on his latest TV drama series, Lafazkanlah Kalimah Cintamu, which has been trending since it premiered on Jan 15.

He captioned it with “now showing…” to which fans responded with a stream of “welcome back” wishes to the Pinjamkan Hatiku actor.

Within half an hour, the post had garnered more than 12,000 likes and close to 550 comments.

A user @shrn.egn said: “It’s good to hear that you’re back! Stay safe and Lord bless you and your beloved family FK!”

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