#Showbiz: Nora hopes Fasha abides to promissory note

KUALA LUMPUR: Actress Nora Danish last night uploaded photos of the official agreement signed by Fasha Sandha at the Shah Alam High Court’s Mediation Office on May 22 on her Instagram .

As previously reported, the agreement was a signed document containing a written promise by Fasha, which she hoped to share with everyone once the court case between them is resolved.

“Alhamdulillah, selepas setahun kes ini berjalan semuanya berakhir atas budi bicara saya dan pihak guaman saya mengenai kes saman fitnah yang difailkan atas beliau (Fasha) tahun lalu,” captioned the 37-year-old actress.

(Thank God, after a year, the case which was filed against Fasha has been resolved with my discretion and that of my legal counsel’s.)

Nora said she was hopeful this would be the end to that episode and agreed that forgiving each other was the best practice.

Yesterday, Fasha, 34, took to her Instagram to announce that she had formally apologised to Nora, in the best interest of their children.

She said that all her problems with Nora “were over on May 22”, when they met at the mediation office to resolve the issue once and for all.

“This is for our children. All our issues are over and I will not comment further on them, because I want our children to grow up harmoniously,” wrote Fasha.

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