#Showbiz: Fasha Sandha calls out individual on Instagram for harsh comment

KUALA LUMPUR: Be careful not to mess with actress Nur Fasha Sandha because you might

land yourself in hot soup!

That was what happened when a certain individual named Monaliza Razali took it a step too far with a negative comment she left on the social media account of the actress.

Recently the celebrity and mother-of-two had posted a video on Instagram of her at a photoshoot, where she was dressed in a revealing top, with the caption "I am flawsome, I embrace my flaws". The comments function for that particular post was disabled.

In a preceeding entry, where the comments function was enabled again, Monaliza had questioned Fasha on why she had disabled the feature in the previous post.

“Pandai pulak Fasha on comment untuk post ni. Post sebelum ni pakai baju paras dada je dia off ruang komen, y? Burok la Fasha pakai baju paras dada.. mcm mintak kaki.” (Now you turned on the comments, why did you disable it in the previous post when you wore a revealing top? You look ugly wearing that..)

A post shared by Fasha Sandha (@fashasandha) on

The comment appeared to have outraged Fasha to the point where she responded by exposing the critic through another post.

Uploading a picture of the individual, Fasha wrote a long caption that expressed her disappointment.

“Macam ni ya bahasa seorang wanita Muslimah, berhijab, juga seorang mak yang dah ada anak? Saya tau saya buruk. Sebab tu saya kata, I embrace my flaws. (Is this how a Muslim woman who dons the hijab and is a mother talks? I know I’m not perfect, that’s why I said I embrace my flaws).

“Awak nakkan perhatian kan? Saya bagi perhatian pada awak sekarang ya wahai saudara Islamku.” (You wanted attention right? Well I’m giving it to you now, my dear Muslim sister).

She then lamented that it’s utterly embarassing for a woman to behave that way.

Fasha then gave a stern warning and said that she can do as she pleases as she manages her own Instagram account.

“Oh ya, Sesiapa yang mengenali wanita berhijab Muslimah sejati ni atau suami dia atau keluarga dia, tolong kirim salam. Terima kasih.

(Oh yes, whoever knows this woman or her husband or family, please send my regards to her, thank you).

“Ingat ya, jangan ingat kami ni artis, kami tak berhak nak bersuara berhenti membuli artis ok.” (Remember, just because we’re artistes, doesn’t mean we don’t have any right to voice out. Stop bullying artistes).

The post had garnered more than 52,000 likes and 6,400 comments under 24 hours.

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