#Showbiz: 'I'd die young if I were a politician' - Tony Eusoff

KUALA LUMPUR: Sarawakian actor Tony Eusoff will be playing an aspiring politician in the new film Daulat, out next year.

However, the 42-year-old star of Ola Bola The Musical admitted that he felt fortunate to be given the opportunity to play the role since he could not imagine being a politician in reality.

“I'd die young if I were a politician. It’s a demanding job and I would have to serve the public all the time, as well as make decisions for their well-being on a daily basis. I would have sleepless nights and in the process, my health would suffer,” he said in a news report yesterday.

Tony, whose real name is Anthony Joseph Hermas Rajiman, said that it would be a lot to take in since a politician was expected to make unpopular decisions and this would only incur the wrath of certain quarters.

In Daulat, he plays Hassan, a brilliant, idealistic and ambitious politician.

“This is my first experience playing such a character. Daulat shows the dark side of politics, and its storyline is pretty challenging," he said, adding that it was an educational experience for him.

Directed by Imran Sheikh, filming which was recently wrapped up, Daulat also stars Rashidi Ishak, Vanidah Imran, Cristina Suzanne Stockstill and Jasmine Suraya Chin.

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