#Showbiz: Jaclyn Victor and Shawn Rivera divorced

KUALA LUMPUR: Singer Jaclyn Victor, 41, and Az Yet member Shawn Rivera, 48, have called it quits after five years of marriage.

The heartbreaking news was shared by Rivera, via a Facebook posting today, admitting that it was a very difficult process for both of them to arrive at this decision.

“We tried our best, but after living apart for more than a year, we were unable to reconcile our differences.

“We do not wish for our dysfunctional relationship to set an unhealthy example for the children to emulate. No child deserves to grow up with the shameful stigma of seeing their parents portrayed in a negative light,” he said.

Rivera also said that they would remain committed to doing what was best for their little ones.

Shawn Rivera’s Facebook posting informing the public of the heartbreaking news.
Shawn Rivera’s Facebook posting informing the public of the heartbreaking news.

“No matter what, we will always love and cherish our Jonah and Molly! Seeing them smile makes all the heartbreak worthwhile,” he added.

Rivera also said that the downside of being public figures was the fact that they were open to public opinion.

“As human beings, it is in our nature to judge, blame, or criticise others, based on our own limited perspectives. Rumours and speculation aside, only the two people in the actual relationship will really know the whole truth. There is no need to air our dirty laundry or slander each other’s character. In the end, that would only hurt the children more,” said Rivera, who hopes that people would respect their privacy during this challenging time.

Jac and Rivera tied the knot at a historical church in Philadelphia in the US on July 19, 2014.

They have a pair of children — Jonah Joshiah Rivera, 5, and Molly Marguerite Rivera, 3.

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