#Showbiz: Ahmad Idham gives up Finas CEO post

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Film Development Corporation (Finas) has confirmed its CEO Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri's intention to step down from the position.

His intention was conveyed in a board meeting last Thursday.

Finas chairman Zakaria Abdul Hamid said that the board members had agreed to Ahmad Idham's request and fully supported his next career move.

"We certainly feel sad yet happy as like how it was during the Finas board members' meeting.

"Sad because we have to let go of a chief commandant, we will feel the loss. We fought together to help drive and raise the creative arts industry during the pandemic era.

"Many agendas have been planned and carried out. Even though some of them have been postponed or have just started due to the spread of the pandemic, as well as the increase in Covid-19 cases," he said in a news report yesterday.

However, Zakaria said that the board was happy since Ahmad Idham would be moving to a ministry that would enable the creative industry to experience a further upward trajectory.

"Despite the sadness, we are still happy for the advancement of Ahmad Idham's career.

"From what we see, it opens bigger opportunities for Ahmad Idham to expand the creative industry to a global level. We hope Ahmad Idham will be able to carry out his new assignment in an outstanding manner.

"The Finas board will present his resignation letter immediately to Communications and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa for approval," he said.

Rumours recently surfaced that Ahmad Idham would be heading to a ministry linked to diplomatic relations where he would still be involved in matters linked to the realm of creative arts and culture.

However, the job would entail the challenging task of bringing local culture, music and film to the world stage.

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