#SHOWBIZ: Bleak 21 days behind bars for Da'i Syed

KUALA LUMPUR: Celebrity preacher Syed Shah Iqmal Syed Mohd Shaiful said his 21-day experience behind bars, before being released on bail last Friday, had been bleak.

"I was in jail. Of course it had been a very dark and bitter moment.

"But praise be to God, apart from that, I had been given good health while I was there. Only today am I down with fever and an ulcer," he said in a Harian Metro report today.

The 29-year-old preacher, who is also known as Da'i Syed, was met by reporters outside the Shah Alam High Court earlier today.

Da'i Syed added that he had been treated well during his incarceration in Kajang Prison and had the opportunity to join other inmates in celebrating Maulidur Rasul recently.

"I had the chance to impart some religious knowledge with the others and taught some to read the Quran.

"I'm grateful to have done my bit in sharing my knowledge with the others while I was there," he said.

Meanwhile, the court has set his case mention for Nov 5.

Earlier, the preacher had been sentenced to a 10-year imprisonment, with three strokes of the rotan by the Shah Alam Sessions Court after he was found guilty of raping a woman at a condominium five years ago.

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