#HEALTH: All about eyes

ONE of the common services that Malaysians typically rely on is having their eyes checked on a regular basis or getting new eyewear to match their eye conditions.

MOG eyewear key optometrist, Suyidatina Sulaiman, says being aware of our visual needs is an important part of eye health.

"Our eyes are as important as other parts of our body and require continuous attention to ensure they are well maintained and at their best."

Refractive error can be divided into myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (Farsightedness), presbyopia and astigmatism.

Through a study done by the National Eye Survey (a joint effort between the departments of ophthalmology in top medical universities in Malaysia), it was found that refractive error is an important health issue, making it the most commonly reported vision problem among Malaysian children.

Children's vision problems are frequently overlooked because they are either too young to complain or comprehend the true nature of having clear or blurry vision. Even when they do, some parents do not take these complaints seriously, resulting in the problem getting progressively worse as the child grows.

Children, like adults, are prone to eye diseases like retinal detachment, maculopathy (degeneration of macula) and binocular vision disorders such as strabismus (misalignment of eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eyes).

Myopia, a condition where your vision blurs for faraway objects - if left untreated can greatly impact a child's development. This is especially evident in terms of their movement coordination, learning abilities as well as emotional attachment during their growing years.

Your child's optometrist may recommend certain types of specialty optical lenses or contact lenses, as part of a programme called Children Myopia Control, which involves professional consultations and tailored prescriptions monitored for up to a year at minimum. This programme aims to slow down the progression of myopia and prevent children from becoming myopic at an early age.

Such a programme can only be advised after a detailed examination of your children's eye development.

Children’s vision problems are frequently overlooked.
Children’s vision problems are frequently overlooked.


The natural process of ageing can also result in a gradual decline in both our capacity to see things up close and further out. Progressive additional lenses, also known as PALs, make it possible to merge several visual needs into a single lens to enhance clarity of vision at all distances. The strength of these lenses "progressively" vary from distant to intermediate to near vision so you can switch between demands effortlessly and comfortably, allowing you to read at close range, work at a medium distance, or observe things from afar with just one pair of glasses.

It will take some time for you to become accustomed to PALs. Although some people take a longer time to adapt, the vast majority are able to use these lenses seamlessly.

Suyidatina says being aware of our visual needs is an important part of eye health.
Suyidatina says being aware of our visual needs is an important part of eye health.


Eye strain is extremely common with wrong eyewear, usually occurring when your eyes become tired from intense use. You may also feel eye discomfort in the form of dry eyes or intermittent blurring of vision. These same activities often promote poor posture in your neck and back, which in turn can cause muscle tension and pain.

If left untreated, the demand for focused visual concentration will lead to bad posture because of the need or desire for closer proximity (especially when eye strain is disrupting your sight).

A study done by researchers from the department of social and preventive medicine, faculty of medicine, Universiti Malaya and Novartis Corporation found that an estimated 3.6 million people in Malaysia are suffering from migraine .

Even though some of it might be caused by work stress or irregular sleeping schedules, recurring and frequent headaches every few days with no signs of recovery may be an indication that your eyewear is incorrect.


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