New picks pledge to work hard

KUALA LUMPUR: NEWLY appointed ministers and deputy ministers from MCA have pledged to work hard with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in implementing the country’s trans formation initiatives.

Party president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said he ap preciated Najib’s move to co-opt MCA leaders into the cabinet.

“I am touched by the prime minister’s announcement yesterday in which he emphasised the importance of Barisan Nasional’s power-sharing system. I am also glad that MCA is now given an important role to play in the BN government.

“Clearly, the prime minister wants to see MCA, which represents the Chinese community, to ensure that the gov ernment can continue to bring progress and development to the country,” Liow told a press conference at the MCA headquarters yesterday.

In February, MCA resolved to reverse a ruling which prevented them from accepting government appointments at the local, state, and federal levels.

Asked if MCA was satisfied with the number of party leaders included in the new line-up, Liow said he respected the decision made by the prime minister who is also BN chairman.

“The appointments made were the prime minister’s pre rogative and MCA will do its level best. We have to appreciate the opportunity given to us and we will work doubly hard to carry out our responsibilities.”

On his new appointment as Transport Minister, Liow said he would soon hold a meeting with ministry officials where he will be briefed on the latest developments.

“This includes being properly informed on the missing flight MH370 tragedy. As the Transport Minister, I will have to manage this case properly and find the best possible way to resolve it,” he said.

Also present during the press conference were MCA deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and party vice-presidents Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and Datuk Lee Chee Leong.

Liow is taking over from acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein while Wee has been made a minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

Lee is now Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry while Chua and Chew are Deputy Finance Minister and Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister respectively.

Lee said he was thankful for the appointment, adding that he would strive to help attract more foreign investors into the country and encourage trade between Malaysia and regional countries.

Chew, who had served as Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister from 2009 to 2010, said she would continue with efforts to eradicate hardcore pover ty in the country.

When contacted by the New Straits Times, Chua, who is on a working trip to China, said he wished to study the finance policies extensively when he takes office this Friday.

“The scope with the Finance Ministry is very wide and it will be tough. I need to understand the current policies in place and gain a better understanding before looking at other matters.

“This includes understanding the tax reforms, in par ticular the Goods and Services Tax. I will need a lot of guidance and catch up in order for me to facilitate the implementation of these policies,” he said.

Meanwhile, Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong, who was appointed as a minister in the Prime Minister's Department, said he was the grateful for the opportunity given by the prime minister.

"I will work very hard and I will not disappoint him. The trust that the prime minister has placed in me is invaluable and Gerakan will not take this opportunity for granted," he said.

Mah won the Teluk Intan parliamentary by-election against DAP with a 238-vote majority last month.

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