Take immediate action on Pahang's toxic rivers

WHEN we turn on our taps, we would expect to get clean water, or at least water that we can drink after we boil it. Well, this may no longer be true for many residents in Pahang.

Recent reports by the Department of Environment show high levels of mercury in the rivers in Pahang.

Mercury acts as a neurotoxin, or in simple words, it is poison to our brains. Its effects are even more prominent among pregnant women and young children. The main reason this dangerous substance is even there is because of bauxite mining.

Is the problem contained to just the river? Unfortunately, no. Samples taken of drinking water were found to contain high levels of aluminium and lead! This is water that consumers drink! You can kill bacteria by boiling water, but aluminium and lead remain in the water no matter how long you boil it.

This case is similar to one in Flint, Michigan, in the United States, where the government tried to save money by using water from the Flint River instead of buying it.

Many environmental groups and experts opposed it but they were ignored. The water proved to be too corrosive for the city’s old lead pipes and, so, the people of Flint drank water contaminated with lead and are suffering from lead poisoning.

Compare the Flint story to the case of Pahang. The authorities tried to generate jobs and income through bauxite mining.

This decision was opposed by environmental groups and experts, but to no avail. Water that runs through the old pipes is contaminated by lead and aluminium. It is only a matter of time before serious health problems start to arise.

The children in Flint will suffer from the long-term effects of lead exposure. There are high chances that they will suffer from lower intelligence quotient, aggressive behaviour, high blood pressure, and other physical and mental problems.

On the financial side, Flint authorities have to fork out millions of dollars to reconnect pipes to a clean water supply, fix corroded pipes as well as be prepared for suits. The amounts could be exorbitant but the authorities will need to pay for it some way or another.

Please note how serious the bauxite issue in Pahang can become.

Lead pollution alone caused many problems in Flint; here, we have lead, aluminium and mercury, not to mention the monsoon season which is capable of carrying the polluted water directly to the people.

In fact, it has already happened in Kampung Padang, Kuantan, and there is no guarantee that it won’t happen again.

We do not have time to wait for complicated procedures and bureaucracy. Immediate action must be taken now!

n NAH KOK WAI,research and policy executive, Forum Air Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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