Sabah earthquake shows we must be prepared

THE earthquake that shook Sabah last year left a trail of destruction and blew away the belief that Malaysia is free of natural disasters.

Tremors had been felt in the area previously but people had never experienced such a strong earthquake.

Eighteen people were killed, and the earthquake damaged the trail up Mount Kinabalu and scarred the mountain’s appearance.

The time has come for Malay-sians to be prepared for such calamities.

Earthquakes are inevitable, but being prepared can reduce injuries, deaths and loss of property.

Some people blamed the quakes on tourists who took pictures of themselves nude on Mount Kinabalu. They said this had angered the spirits of the mountain.

Earthquakes are natural phenomena that occur due to the movement of tectonic plates.

It is impossible to prevent earthquakes, but they can be predicted by seismologists and lives can saved.

Although the earthquake was not as deadly as other earthquakes elsewhere in the world, it shows that we cannot take things for granted.

We have to face the reality of having catastrophes hitting our country. We have to be prepared and alert before it is too late.

SAMUEL YESUIAH, Seremban, Negri Sembilan

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