Raja Perlis: Work towards making Malaysia educational centre of excellence

PERLIS: Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail has urged all school principals to work towards fulfilling the national education philosophy goals, information technology development and exporting knowledge.

Tunku Syed Sirajuddin also stressed on the importance of the country’s leaders in education to put in efforts to meet the aim of transforming Malaysia into a centre of excellence in the education sector.

He said this in a speech read out by Raja Muda of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail at the opening of the 56th Malaysian School Principals Education Management national conference at Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) here last night.

“Leadership plays a vital role in determining the quality and performance of an institution. It is my hope to see these leaders give serious focus on certain aspects namely integrity, ethics, and customer charter of which if practiced earnestly, can become a work culture where the public interest is the main priority.

“Please bear in mind that leadership is a responsibility entrusted to the individuals and not a privilege. Hence, leaders should have the capability to guide those under their charge in producing positive, productive and result-oriented job.

“Being leaders in education, it is also vital to possess extraordinary leadership traits such as intellectual strength and a sharp analytical ability to create a vision,” he said.

Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, in his speech, added that he believed the conference served as the best platform for education leaders to share their experiences and views in creating a quality work environment.

The four-day conference, held from April 24, is attended by some 500 principals from 2,401 secondary schools nationwide.

Keywords: Raja Perlis
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