Viral claim Tampin store sells pork unfounded: Domestic Trade Ministry

TAMPIN: Authorities have found no evidence that a frozen food store operator here sells pork products, despite allegations made on social media, which have gone viral.

Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry state enforcement chief Saifulbahri Abdul Kadir said his team conducted checks on the business premises at 12 noon on Friday and found no evidence of pork products being sold at the store.

"The claims made by netizens are without proof. People should not be quick to believe unverified postings on social media.

“What (was alleged) to be pork is actually frozen lamb imported from New Zealand and (which) has been certified halal, and sourced from a recognised abattoir in the country," Saifulbahri said in a statement here today.

He went on to advise the public not to share unverified information on social media, and if they were to receive “news” they suspect to be false, they should lodge an official complaint with the Ministry, to enable a thorough investigation.

On Thursday, Facebook user “Den Orang Tampin” posted that workers at the Tampin store do not segregate frozen beef and chicken products from pork products.

An image of a police report was also shared by the FB user, who also claimed that workers at the store were seen handling what was believed to be frozen pork.

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