Jawi tells Islamic talks organisers to ensure speakers have credentials

KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) has reminded organisers of religious talks to ensure that invited speakers have valid teaching credentials from authorities.

This comes after the detention of Turkish author Mustafa Aykol, by the Malaysian Immigration Department at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Monday.

Jawi director Abdul Aziz Jusoh said the department has received complaints on Mustafa's involvement in a roundtable discussion organised by Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) on Sunday (Sept 24).

"A court order was issued on Sept 24 to help Jawi in its investigations,"

"Because he failed to record his statement on the required date, Jawi has made a request to the Federal Territory Syariah Court to issue an arrest warrant under Section 58(2) of the Syariah Criminal Procedure (Federal Territories) Act 1997 for teaching without valid credentials," he said in a statement today.

Mustafa had, on Sunday, spoke at a roundtable discussion titled "Does Freedom of Conscience Open The Floodgate to Apostasy?" at the Royal Selangor Golf Club, here.

Mustafa was scheduled to speak at Nottingham University Malaysia at 2.30pm on the same day, on the topic "The Islamic Jesus: The Commonalities Between Judaism, Christianity and Islam".

It was reported that the lecture was organised by IRF. It was however cancelled after Mustafa was summoned by Jawi on Sunday.

Mustafa was released at 12pm today, after Jawi completed its investigations.

Aziz said the organiser failed inform Mustafa on the credentials needed before being allowed to deliver Islamic teachings in the country.

"Any speaker who fails to obtain credentials from the religious authorities shall be liable under Section 11 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997, which carries a maximum fine of RM5,000 or a maximum jail term of three years or both, while the organiser can also be charged with abetting and could be punished with the same sentences." he added.

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