Malaysian students exposed to sex education in curriculum: Mahdzir Khalid

KUALA LUMPUR: Primary and secondary school students have been exposed to sex education in accordance to their cognitive development, appropriate to their ages.

Education Minister, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said sex education in schools is part of the reproductive and social health education (PEERS) subject since it was approved by the Cabinet in 2006.

“Previously, PEERS were taught to all students through the Health Education subject since 1989 in secondary schools, 1994 in primary schools and also in pre-schools beginning 2011.

“Implementation of the subject in schools is taught to students from Standard One until Form Five in the Health Education curriculum with a component of PEERS (75 per cent), eating habits (15 per cent) and also first aid lessons (10 per cent),” he said answering question from Datuk Dr Nawawi Ahmad (BN-Langkawi) at the Dewan Rakyat on Thursday.

He said the subject, PEERS, was based on psychosocial competence skills to increase students’ awareness and also to help students make wise and accurate decisions.

Mahdzir said the subject also helps to mould students to be healthy, well-rounded individuals.

“PEER’s syllabus would be re-examined and improved from time to time, taking into the consideration various aspects, including technology and communications in the current borderless world,” added Mahdzir. -- Reporting by Arfa Yunus,Beatrice Nita Jay and Fernando Fong

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