Bestinet's migrant system bags top IT award

KUALA LUMPUR: Bestinet Sdn Bhd, a information technology systems and solutions service provider, was awarded The BrandLaureate’s Signature Award for the Best Brand in Information Technology for its Migrant Management System, Migrams. 

Bestinet received the award at The BrandLaureate SMEs BestBrands Awards 2017-2018 gala dinner at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Seventy other recipients attended.

The award represents the service provider’s transitional journey of brand progress.

Migrams is a scalable fully-online holistic system designed to assist users and stakeholders in all compliance and regulatory processes related to employing migrant workers from selection, recruitment, periodic management and monitoring to ensuring that workers return home safely.

Migrams highlights four core components — security, health, welfare and compliance — in a single, unified management system that benefits stakeholders.

“This is the third award we received this year.

“The recognition from The BrandLaureate gives us the extra mileage to solve today’s challenges with Bestinet’s range of systems and solutions in digital innovation,” said its chief executive officer, Ismail Mohd Noor.

He said the system’s research and development journey involved challenges, mainly to develop a centralised solution by collaborating with more than 13 countries and its laws, regulations, Customs, practices and peculiarities.

With simultaneous implementation in both the source and destination countries of migrant workers, Migrams provides stakeholders, governments, employers, migrant workers, insurance providers and medical practitioners with an efficient, simplified, effective and reliable methodology for managing, tracking and reporting their migrant workforce.

The gala dinner was attended by more than 800 guests comprising corporate leaders, brand owners and leading personalities.

The BrandLaureate president Dr K.K. Johan congratulated the winners, saying that an institutional brand was a symbol of prestige, respect, honour and glory.

He added that it was also a brand that people wanted to be a part of, associated and affiliated with. 

“An institutional brand is about great leadership.

“The brand is the leader in its respective field, has strong attributes that define and influence the industry, impact the community and leave an indelible mark.”

Recipients of The BrandLaureate SMEs BestBrands Awards are selected by a committee.

Each winner shows exceptional accomplishments in branding. These brands, products and personalities are the best in their industry and have achieved dominance in their niche areas.

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