RMN officer cadet dies after undergoing physical training

IPOH: A Royal Malaysian Navy officer cadet died at the Armed Forces Hospital in Lumut yesterday after being admitted for chest pain and breathing difficulties.

RMN in a statement said Graduate Cadet Officer J. Soosaimanicckam died at 1.45pm while receiving treatment for the pain after undergoing his daily training.

“Soosaimanicckam had earlier undergone a training that was supervised by RMN physical trainers.

“He complained of suffering chest pain and shortness of breath after arriving at the quarters block and was sent to the hospital for treatment.

“The victim was given breathing support and was given treatment by the doctor on duty. However, he was pronounced dead at 1.45pm,” read the statement today.

RMN said the cause of death had yet to be ascertained and that an inquiry board was established to determine whether there was any violation of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

“We will not compromise on the matter if there is found to be any violation of SOP,” he said.

It is learnt that Soosaimanicckam reported for duty at KD Sultan Idris 1 on May 12.

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