All 14 Islamic agencies to be reformed, says Mujahid

KUALA LUMPUR: All 14 of the country’s Islamic agencies will undergo organisational restructuring after an audit is carried out in the next three months.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa told a press conference today that the agencies would not be dissolved as claimed by certain quarters.

“These agencies will be reformed so that their organisational structures, agenda and objectives are in line with Islamic tenets that emphasise the religion as a ‘rahmat’ (blessings) for the betterment of all (regardless of race or religious background).

“An audit will be carried out by an independent party within the next three months.

“We will then look into the recommendations prior to implementing the reforms.”

He said the auditing process would involve stakeholders, religious authorities and political experts.

Earlier, Mujahid who is charge of religious affairs and his deputy, Fuziah Salleh, had clocked in for work after they were sworn in to the cabinet yesterday.

Mujahid and Fuziah met the top executives of the various Islamic agencies, including Malaysian Islamic Development Department director-general Datuk Mohamad Nordin Ibrahim.

Mujahid said he would implement three policies that would prevent corruption, employ maqasid syariah (Islamic standards) in syariah matters and promote Malaysia as a model Islamic country.

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