Use OKU toilets for now, Fuziah tells transgenders

KUALA LUMPUR: Transgenders conflicted over public toilet usage are encouraged to use lavatories meant for the disabled for the time being.

This was said by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Fuziah Salleh today.

Fuziah said transgenders who opt for OKU-friendly toilets could curb people’s concern over the presence of transgenders in public toilets especially those meant for women, while the government looks for a better solution to the matter.

She said the move is to allow women to feel secure when using public toilets.

“For example, if the person psychologically believes that he is a female then he is more comfortable using facilities meant for females. When he uses the male toilet, he is subject to harassment. However, when he is using the female toilet, some would not feel comfortable and may be concerned for their safety.

“We are trying to understand the transgender community. At the moment, the best solution is for them to use the disabled toilets until the society can accept them,” she told the media at a press conference held at the Parliament lobby, here, today.

Fuziah added there are bigger issues to solve than which toilets to use such as aiding the transgender community to stay away from social problems.

“Currently, 80 per cent of the transgender community are sex workers because they were cast out by society.

“There are a lot more to be discussed to help them get out of this situation (from being sex workers) such as introducing career change programmes.

“But we cannot push them away as it is also our responsibility,” she said.

Meanwhile, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of religious affairs Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa in a press statement, has clarified that he has not given any instruction to transgender people to access public toilets meant for females.

He stressed the statement he made on Friday was merely answering a question from the media after his meeting with transgender advocate Nisha Ayub and was not an official decision from his department.

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