Reaping dividends from urban farming

PEKAN: A piece of advice from her doctor inspired a housewife to grow organic vegetables in her house compound in Taman Seri Maulana, here.

Siti Radhiah Razuan, 31, said after receiving treatment for a stomach tumour last year, her doctor reminded her not to eat foods that had been exposed to chemicals, especially fresh vegetables.

Following that, she started to grow organic vegetables in her yard earlier this year, with the help of her husband Mohd Zamri Ab Rahman, 31 who also shared the same interest.

She said initially the vegetables were produced only for their own consumption, but now the varieties of vegetables, tubers and fruits also cater for the local community and those from outside the district.

"As many as 39 kinds of vegetables are grown in rotation, using traditional methods and free of chemicals. I use one hundred per cent organic fertilisers from animal manure and plant waste.

"To control leaf-eating pests like grasshoppers and green caterpillars, I have come out with a type of insecticide made from garlic and some other mixtures, "she said, here today.

Siti Radhiah, who previously served as a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Jengka Pahang, said with strong support from her husband who works at the automotive factory here, she was determined to continue growing her organic plants for own use and also to earn additional income for her family.

Siti Radhiah, who spends two to six hours each day in her farm, also sells seedlings, seeds, fertilisers and insecticides priced between RM5 and RM18.

"There are customers outside the district who order vegetables and other products via social media. Others come straight to the farm to choose their own vegetables such as round cabbages, tomatoes, spinach, sawi, kangkung and some herbs.

"I can earn up to RM500 per month from the sales of various types of vegetables and other products. I am also sharing the skills with those who are keen on urban farming, "said the mother of a child.

(File pix) Siti Radhiah Razuan (right) harvesting fresh, organic vegetable from her farm at Taman Seri Maulana for a customer. Pix by Mohd Rafi Mamat
(File pix) Siti Radhiah Razuan (right) harvesting fresh, organic vegetable from her farm at Taman Seri Maulana for a customer. Pix by Mohd Rafi Mamat

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