Don't politicise khat implementation, says Mujahid

SABAK BERNAM: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa has urged all parties to refrain from politising the government's decision to introduce khat writing in schools next year.

He said all quarters should take the matter positively instead of opposing it without getting the proper facts.

“By right the issue (khat) should be looked at in a positive manner, with proactive feedback. Not merely opposing it just for the sake of opposing,” he said.

"Unfortunately, many have turned the issue into something political and even linked it with the Malay community and Islam," ​​he said after attending the Rahmatan Lil Alamin programme with Muslim Non-Governmental Organisations, here, on Saturday night.

Claiming there was an attempt by the previous government to abolish the jawi script writing, he said it was the responsibility of the current government to revive the art of writing through various initiatives and programmes.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa has urged all parties to refrain from politising the government's decision to introduce khat writing in schools next year. -  NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa has urged all parties to refrain from politising the government's decision to introduce khat writing in schools next year. - NSTP/AIZUDDIN SAAD

“The government today is seeking to revive jawi as a cultural heritage... As the younger generation is not well versed in writing or even recognising jawi.

“I am looking at this issue from a historical perspective and understand that jawi (script) writing is not a compulsory subject." he said.

On Friday, the Education Ministry said the introduction of khat as part of Bahasa Melayu subject for Year Four students would be implemented next year as planned.

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