Malaysians in Malindo flight to Tianjin in Coronavirus isolation

KUALA LUMPUR: Sixteen Malaysians and Bolivians, who were on a flight with two passengers who tested positive for the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, are currently under isolation and observation in a hotel in Dongli district, Tianjin.

The passengers were aboard the Malindo Air Flight Number OD688 from Sabah. The flight arrived in Tianjin on Jan 25.

Upon landing, all 31 passengers on board along with the crew-members were immediately escorted to the hotel for isolation since three of the passengers were having fever.

The first case that was confirmed on Jan 26 is a 71-year-old from Wuhan who had journeyed to Malaysia from Jan 19 to 25.

On Jan 29, the city confirmed its 25th case of novel Coronavirus identified to be the second person on the same aircraft.

He was a local resident from Wuhan who travelled to Malaysia from Jan 19-25.

All crewmembers and passengers have been isolated in a hotel in Dongli district, Tianjin, and the entire hotel has been shut down at present.

China Daily quoted Dongli district health committee vice-director Zhang Shixi as saying the isolated patients were under observation and had been provided with stringent and high-level medical services from Tianjin Traditional Medicine Hospital.

It said 13 doctors were attending to them and the body temperatures of the isolated individuals ranged between 36 and 37 degrees Celsius.

China Daily also reported that the hotel was now under regular sanitation and the district was offering plenty of water, food, cleaning and living supplies for the patients.

On Jan 24, six Malindo Air crew members from another Malindo flight from Kuala Lumpur to Zhengzhou were quarantined after a passenger from Hubei province was suspected of contracting the coronavirus.

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