MHC wants govt to make wearing face masks in public mandatory

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Health Coalition (MHC) has urged the government to make the wearing of face masks in public compulsory to prevent a second wave of Covid-19 infection in the country.

In a statement today, the MHC said such a move would illustrate the seriousness of the situation following the growing number of clusters and cases recorded in double-digits.

"The MHC echoes Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in urging the people to stay vigilant and abide by precautions and standard operating procedures (SOP) to prevent a second wave of Covid-19 in Malaysia.

"We support the mandatory masking policy that is being considered by the government as announced by the prime minister on July 20.

"However, there must also be a plan to make face masks accessible to all like in Hong Kong and Singapore, while making any penalty reasonable and proportional," the statement read.

MHC said the government must also consider the implications of mandatory wearing of face masks for households whose incomes had been affected by the Movement Control Order.

It also emphasised that leaders should lead by example by wearing face masks while carrying out their duties.

The MHC also urged the government to review the policy on social gatherings with 250 persons limit since it would be difficult to monitor and maintain such an SOP at all times.

"It is important to ensure that a strict and realistic social gathering policy is in place before the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration which falls on July 31.

"If in-person gatherings are unavoidable, organisers must be encouraged to implement staggered attendance and sanitise the area in between.

"We support the government's decision to revert to mandatory quarantine in centres for returnees as announced on July 21," it said.

The MHC reiterated the call for transparency of health data specifically transparency for Covid-19 testing data could help researchers better understand the pandemic's spread in Malaysia.

"Successful Covid-19 management in Malaysia depends on greater access to Covid-19-related data, to allow for better-informed decision-making across all sectors."

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