Lucky students of Ranau interior school with a majestic view of Mount Kinabalu

RANAU: A primary school located in the interior here has attracted attention for its picturesque open-air classroom with a majestic view of Mount Kinabalu.

Sekolah Randagong teacher Sabirun Rubin, 34, uploaded the picture of the school's open air classroom on his Facebook and Instagram profiles, but it went viral when his friend posted it on Twitter.

"Due to the requirement of having to have physical distancing, the school decided to have its Standard Four students studying at the open-air site.

"The 4 Mawar class has the least students compared to five other classrooms in the school," he told the New Straits Times.

He added that the wooden school building, which is located about 18km from Ranau town, has very limited space to apply the new standard operating procedures.

The homeroom teacher, who is also from here, said since the school reopened in July last year, the administration has been using the site as a classroom but at that time it was for Standard Five students.

He added the arrangement has been discussed with the district education office and parents.

"The children's parents are receptive to the idea and do not have any problem with it. As for my students, they are very excited with the new norms which allow them to study in a classroom which is different from others," said Sabirun who teaches Bahasa Melayu and Visual Arts.

The "al fresco" classroom at the building is also used for a Supplementary Food Programme for the students.

Early in the morning, Sabirun said his students will have fresh and cool air to start their lessons and they have to wear additional clothing to keep them warm.

The teacher also gave his assurance that students were comfortable and that the weather is still fine towards the afternoon.

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