Ismail Sabri: 48,261 children infected with Covid-19 in Malaysia so far

KUALA LUMPUR: So far, 48,261 children and babies nationwide have been infected with Covid-19.

Of the number, 6,290 are under the age of 18 months, said Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said the current numbers were alarming, as they showed that children and babies are now becoming increasingly vulnerable to the virus as compared to senior citizens.

"This new development is very worrying and should serve as a wake-up call to all parties, especially for parents.

"We, as adults, must be responsible in protecting them from the infection. The Covid-19 virus knows no boundaries… even children will not be spared from becoming a victim," he said in a statement.

Ismail Sabri said this after the country reported 7,289 new infections today, the highest since the pandemic struck over a year ago.

He advised the people to initiate a self-lockdown apart from adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures to curb the virus transmission from spreading to themselves, children and loved ones.

Parents, he added, must also monitor their children by deterring them from playing outdoors, making them wear face masks and pushing for the frequent use of sanitiser.

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