How to spot HFMD symptoms and prevent its infections

KUALA LUMPUR: The hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is usually caused by the coxsackie group of enteroviruses, particularly coxsackievirus A16, which causes blisters on the hands and feet, in the mouth and often in the 'nappy area'.

KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital paediatric cardiologist and paediatrician, Datin Seri Dr Nomee Ashikin Mohammed Radzi said the virus spreads through direct contact with fluid from skin blisters, nose and throat discharges, droplets and faeces.

She said the blisters caused by the virus are also infectious until they become crusty and dry (no fluid in the blisters).

"The virus may also shed in the faeces for several weeks after the blisters resolve.

"Usually HFMD infects children below 10 years old, or sometimes older children and adults.

"And normally, HFMD patients develop common symptoms such as fever, sore throat or visible small, blister-like lesions that may occur on the inside of the mouth, sides of the tongue, palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet and 'nappy area'" within three to seven days after being infected," she said in a statement today.

Read more: Children at higher risk of infections, autoimmune diseases as M'sia returns to pre-Covid-19 normalcy.

Dr Nomee advised parents to not panic at the first sight of HFMD symptoms.

"It is a self-limiting disease, which means it can cure itself, with time.

"Meanwhile, parents can help their children eat better with over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen, or mouth sprays to disinfect and numb the ulcers.

"They can also feed their children with cold and soft meals such as yoghurt, jelly or smoothies to soothe a sore throat. But they need to avoid juice and soda, which have acids that might irritate the sore throat."

She said HFMD is a mild illness that resolves within a week, hence there is no specific treatment and usually, none is required.

"Usually, it can be treated with paracetamol and not aspirin, as it is directed for fever and any discomfort.

"The patients should also allow blisters to dry naturally and not pierce them as the fluid within them is infectious.

"However, if a child with HFMD complains of severe headaches, persistent fever and eating difficulties, they should be brought for a doctor's consultation immediately," she said.

Dr Nomee said excluding children with symptoms of HFMD from school or childcare centres may help as the virus outbreaks may occur in childcare settings.

She said practising good personal hygiene is one way to prevent the infections of HFMD, both for those infected and their carers.

"We should practise hand hygiene at all times such as washing hands carefully with soap and water after contact with the blister-like lesions, after handling nose and throat discharges, and after contact with faeces such as when toileting and nappy changing.

"Parents should also thoroughly wash and clean any soiled clothing and surfaces or toys that may have been contaminated.

"With HFMD cases on the rise, we should avoid sharing items of personal hygiene (such as towels, washers and toothbrushes) and clothing (particularly shoes and socks)," she said.

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