Nancy Shukri launches 2022 Malaysia Library Conference

KUALA LUMPUR: Libraries in Malaysia serve as community hubs and venues to gather local history through storytelling, as well as for economic activities that could help generate income for the society.

Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said libraries played an active role in protecting the country's heritage and directly supporting the ministry's vision, which is 'Malaysia – Culturally Rich Sustainable Destination'.

She said libraries and librarians were still relevant with the current needs, with the latter having the ability to adapt with the passage of time and technological advancements – from writing on leaves to the digital information era.

"If we look back on the history of librarianship, the Royal Library of Alexandria or the Great Library, the biggest library in the world that was built around 280 years BC stored about 500,000 to one million scrolls before they were destroyed in stages, starting from burning by Julius Caesar in 48 BC.

"At the time, the Head Librarian post had already existed and held by well-known Library of Alexandria editors," she said in her speech while launching the Annual Malaysia Library Conference 2022 (PTPM) at Seri Pacific Hotel.

Themed "No One Left Behind: Libraries as Agents of Change", the five-day online conference, which started on Monday, was organised by the National Librarians Association (PPM) and National Library (PNM).

She said the theme for this year's conference was in line with the role of library as a one-stop centre for teaching, learning, as well as knowledge and experience-sharing platform for children housewives and the elderly.

"In line with National Library's mission to form a knowledgeable and competitive society, PNM will work hard to cultivate reading among the people in order to increase literacy rate by implementing various programmes involving stakeholders," she said.

Nancy said the National Library is the Central Agency to regulate libraries in the country in accordance to the National Library Act 1972 (Act 80).

So far, 35 presenters shared their writings in four sessions and 14 panel members had a discussion on the field of librarianship at the conference.

Today, a plenary session to discuss the roles of libraries and librarians' association with representatives from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines was also held.

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