85 per cent of users unaffected by electricity tariff adjustment from Jan 1

KUALA LUMPUR: Eighty-five per cent or seven million domestic users in Peninsular Malaysia will not be affected by the adjustment to the electricity tariff from Jan 1 until June 30 next year.

The Energy Commission, in a statement, said 99 percent or 8.2 million domestic users will also continue to enjoy subsidies from the federal government.

It said the surcharge will remain for non-domestic users.

This means electricity users of 600kwh or RM219.80 and below are still accorded a rebate of two sen per kWh.

The tariff will only affect the remaining 1.2 million users, whose electricity bill comes up to at least RM220 a month.

They will see an increase of between 4.2 per cent and 6 per cent in their monthly bill from Jan 1, 2024, as part of the government's push for targeted subsidies.

These users can expect to pay between RM12 to RM32 more each month for electricity.

The move will save the government RM266.2 million in subsidies.

The commission will still fork out subsidies of RM1.9 billion to maintain the status quo for the 85 per cent.

It said it will continue to progress its targeted subsidy agenda with the view that all domestic users should be imposed a surcharge in keeping with the ICPT mechanism.

Meanwhile, the RM40 Electricity Bill Rebate Programme for the hardcore poor will continue in 2024.

To promote sustainability, the government has encouraged users to continue practicing energy-efficient lifestyles and habits, utilising energy-efficient appliances.

The commission also encouraged consumers to explore solar options for personal use or joining the Net Energy Metering 3.0 (NEM 3.0) Programme.

In line with these efforts, the SAVE 4.0 Programme initiative has been introduced, offering e-rebates for the purchase of energy-efficient equipment with a rating of 4 and 5 stars.

This programme aims to incentivise the adoption of environmentally friendly appliances, further aligning the nation with global sustainability goals.

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