Data breach at Hacker group 'Threatsec' leaks classified documents and internal records

KUALA LUMPUR: The Sabah government's official website has been hacked, with 109 files involving the state agencies being compromised.

The breach was brought to light when the hacked data, including classified documents and Excel tables containing internal information, was uploaded to the hacker's Telegram group, named "Threatsec," on Dec 22.

"Let's just get straight to the point and not make this post too long.

"We have successfully breached, which is the website of the Sabah region in east Malaysia.

"Through our access, we were able to extract 109 files, many of which are classified documents or Excel tables that mention internal information."

Among the leaked documents sighted by the New Straits Times include:

* The Sabah State Library's 2024 stock take.

* Sabah State Finance records.

* Kota Belud District Council rental records.

The alarming revelation is that the compromised data is purportedly available for download.

NST is trying to contact Sabah's government for confirmation on this matter.

Earlier this month, the Social Security Organisation (Perkeso) system, information base and website were hacked on Dec 2.

Forensic investigations have been taken, including into the alleged involvement of certain parties in the cyber attack on the organisation.

Socso Group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Dr Mohammed Azman Aziz Mohammed said the agency, in a meeting with the National Security Council, agreed to file a police report following an internal forensic investigation, which found elements of commercial crime.

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