Mooring buoys off Timba Timba Island reduce boat anchor impact on corals

SEMPORNA: The newly installed four mooring buoys off Timba-Timba Island off here could mitigate the environmental impact due to excessive tourism activities.

Based on a study by non-governmental organisation Reef Check Malaysia (RCM), the average coral reef coverage on Timba-Timba Island has shown a reduction in number.

Live coral coverage has seen a concerning decreasing trend from 56 per centin 2022 and to a projected 48 per cent in 2024.

"It has also been reported that the number of visitors to Timba-Timba Island in a month exceeds 20,000 people, equivalent to 60 boats.

"The indiscriminate use of anchors has been identified as a significant threat to the health of coral reefs, prompting this collaborative effort to provide an eco-friendly alternative for marine enthusiasts," according to a statement by RCM.

The deployment yesterday was made possible with a collaboration among RCM, the district office, Pulau Sipadan Resort & Tours (PSR), IKLIM Mabul Youth leaders and Larapan Marine Conservation Group.

Dubbed the "Building Marine Conservation Leaders in Semporna" project, it is generously funded by CIMB Foundation, with additional support from Tourism Jetty and Semporna Professional Dive Association.

Each mooring buoy is equipped with three sinkers, capable of accommodating up to 5 boats at a time.

"The mooring buoy deployment aligns with the broader goal of Reef Check Malaysia to foster marine conservation leadership in Semporna.

"The initiative not only addresses immediate environmental concerns but also contributes to the sustainable management of marine resources and the long-term vitality of the region."

RCM programme manager Adzmin Fatta said reefs are crucial not only for our marine ecosystem but also for our livelihoods, such as tourism and fisheries.

Meanwhile, in the same statement, disrict officer Alexandar Liew, expressed satisfaction with the mooring buoy installation and urged boat operators to use them.

"Many have raised concerns on the anchoring impacts at Timba-Timba, particularly by dive and snorkeling guides.

"Therefore, it is important for us to address this issue to ensure the sustainability of our tourism in Semporna."

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