TUARAN: The state government has allocated RM68.28 million to implement flood management and prevention projects, riverbank stabilisation and erosion prevention programs in Sabah this year.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said that flood prevention and erosion control projects would be carried out in various locations throughout the state, especially in flood-prone areas.
"The government's priority is to ensure the people's welfare and well-being are more comfortable.
"Safeguards to be implemented at the riverbank in the Tuaran town area are among the government's efforts to prevent riverbank erosion and maintain the river's function as a drainage and flood reservoir.
"The two-year project will undoubtedly prevent riverbank erosion phenomena in the future," he said at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Tuaran Riverbank Defence Project in Tuaran town today.
He added that the Tuaran Riverbank Defence Project is unique because it is intended to strengthen the riverbank while also considering the need to enhance the river's environment.
Hajiji said the riverbank enhancement would provide other benefits, especially as a public recreational area for leisure, jogging, fishing, and a new public attraction in Tuaran.
"Therefore, I want the Sabah Irrigation and Drainage Department as the project implementing agency to manage this project efficiently and complete it within the set timeframe.
"I also hope that the relevant agency can coordinate efforts to ensure the beauty of this area is preserved, and the facilities built are well-maintained when completed," he said.