Johari Ghani to meet with oil palm players to suggest collaboration with Indonesia's Bengkulu province

KUALA LUMPUR: Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani will speak to local palm oil industry players on possible joint ventures and collaborations with Bengkulu province in Indonesia.

He said there was good potential to develop "midstream" and "downstream" sectors there.

"These 'midstream' and 'downstream' activities can produce a variety of palm-based products to be marketed," he said in a posting on the X application after receiving a courtesy call from Bengkulu governor Dr H. Rohidin Mersyah.

Johari said the two talked about how his ministry could help Malaysian industry players collaborate with Bengjulu to build palm oil refinery in the southwestern Sumatera province.

"Bengkulu... has 500,000ha of oil palm plantations. But, (it) still does not have a palm oil refinery," he said.

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