Investor confidence high in Malaysia's economic potential, says Finance Ministry

KUALA LUMPUR: Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan is leading Malaysia's delegation to an investor meeting in New York, United States to strengthen the country's finances and facilitate investment.

The Finance Ministry (MoF) in a statement said the meeting is held in conjunction with Amir Hamzah's attendance at the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group 2024 in Washington DC.

"Investors have shown a high interest in understanding the fundamentals and economic potential of Malaysia as well as the progress in implementing the Madani Economic Renewal agenda.

"Investor confidence is stronger due to the fiscal reforms implemented by the government, including deficit reduction, the Public Finance Act, Fiscal Responsibility, and targeted subsidies for electricity and water," he said.

The meetings and dialogue sessions with financial investors and capital market players are held to provide insights into the current economic status and government planning to strengthen the country's finances and facilitate investment.

Meetings with international investors such as fund managers and investment banks will also clarify the direction of Madani Economic Framework implementation.

Amir Hamzah also held engagement sessions with investors, and is also expected to meet with around 50 global investors from various industries and businesses in the US.

These engagement sessions are crucial to providing explanations regarding the progress of key government policies, including fiscal reforms to ensure fiscal sustainability and national debt.

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