Raise salaries, allowances to help stem nurse shortage, says MCA veep

KUALA LUMPUR: The government should consider increasing salaries and allowances for nurses to help stem the shortage of nurses in the country, says MCA vice-president Datuk Lawrence Low.

In a statement, Low said the reported shortage of 6,896 nurses in public hospitals as of 2023, will take a toll on those in the service in terms of the workload as well as physical and mental stress.

This could lead to more nurses resigning, he said.

Low said this is why the government should consider reviewing the salaries and allowances of nurses, while also improving the workplace environment at public hospitals by providing more places to rest for those who have to work overtime.

"The government can also set up more training centres for nurses, especially in rural areas, and encourage more school leavers to become nurses.

"In the shorter term, the government can offer contract employment to retired nurses or those who previously stopped working."

Low said the government should consider hiring part-time employees to take on less technical work to reduce the burden on nurses.

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