Putrajaya on the way to become smart city with strategic deal

PUTRAJAYA: Putrajaya Corporation (PPj) and Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) have signed a strategic deal aimed at transforming the country's administrative capital into a smart city.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha Mustafa said the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and the Supply Agreement of Renewable Energy (SARE) were in line with the Putrajaya Smart City Action Plan (2018-2025) and its aspiration to achieve low-carbon targets by 2030.

She said the MoU would see, among others, data-sharing initiatives between the two entities, as well as public infrastructure development for renewable energy (RE).

"They include the installation of LED (light-emitting diode) streetlights, 500 EV (electric vehicle) charging stations, as well as rooftop solar (system) for 200 houses in Putrajaya," she said at a press conference today.

It would also see a solar system with a capacity of 363 kilowatts installed at PPj Complex and eight other PPj-owned buildings, which was expected to be completed early next year.

Dr Zaliha said Putrajaya had been identified as the living lab, a model for energy-related technology for the other Federal Territories, namely, Kuala Lumpur and Labuan.

"SARE will see savings in energy bills of RM2.5 million for a period of 20 years.

"The MoU was also in line with achieving the vision of C.H.A.S.E City (clean, healthy, advanced, safe and eco-friendly city)," said Dr Zaliha.

GSPARX, A TNB subsidiary, will be offering a special solar promotion for 200 Putrajaya homeowners.

TNB president and chief executive officer Datuk Megat Jalaluddin Megat Hassan said the promotion will run until July 31.

He said it could be expanded to more houses to encourage people to use solar power systems.

Applications can be made at Kedai Tenaga Putrajaya, by calling 010-337 6769/011- 3646- 3837 or sending an email to retail.putrajaya@tnb.com.my.

The agreements were signed between PPj president Datuk Fadlun Mak Ujud and Megat Jalaluddin.

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