[UPDATED] PM to school bus operators: Raise fares and lose your licence



PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has issued a firm warning to owners of commercial vehicles benefitting from the Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS), cautioning against price increases despite enjoying diesel subsidies. 

Citing school buses, he said, those who increase prices despite benefitting from diesel subsidies risk having their licences revoked. 

"Why raise prices if you benefit from the diesel subsidy? 

"We don't exploit the poor, and savings from targeted subsidies can be redirected to aid the people. 

"For instance, some nine million people benefit from the RM10 billion STR (Rahmah Cash Aid) allocation (this year)," he said in his speech at the Public Service Department's Madani Aspirations gathering at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre today. 

It was reported that the government is considering expanding the list of transportation eligible for diesel subsidies. 

This includes expanding the quota for public transport under Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS 1.0) such as school and express buses.

Anwar, who is also finance minister, said some quarters had asked the government to postpone the diesel rationalisation plan.

He defended the diesel rationalisation plan as necessary to curb fuel leakages, pointing out instances where foreign fishing vessels abused subsidised diesel meant for citizens.

"The number of vehicles (in the country) increases by eight per cent annually. 

"However, diesel consumption was found to have increased by 20 to 30 per cent; this means there are leakages."

The plan would help the government to redirect savings to benefit education and other crucial sectors.

When asked to clarify the matter after the event, Anwar said: "(It applies to) all (commercial vehicle owners) who receive diesel subsidies."

It was reported that 23 new segments of goods transport vehicles, as well as those in public transportation, benefit from the SKDS. 

Recipients would get fleet cards to continue buying subsidised diesel at RM2.15 per litre, compared to the current market price of RM3.50 per litre. 

Meanwhile, eligible private vehicle owners will receive a monthly cash aid of RM200 under the Budi Madani scheme.

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