Amendments to Communications and Multimedia Act add more bite to combat online crimes

KUALA LUMPUR: The amendments to the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 will bring significant improvements after 26 years of its enforcement, said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

Addressing concerns about the vague and unclear amendments, Fahmi clarified that the changes extend beyond specific sections and could be fully understood through a comprehensive review of the bill.

"If we examine the bill draft, it is evident that the amendments are not limited to Section 233.

"There are 51 pages of amendments that mark significant improvement (on the original act) after 26 years of enforcement," he said when met by reporters after an event in Lembah Pantai today.

Last week, Fahmi tabled the bill's first reading in the Dewan Rakyat.

The second reading of the bill will also be tabled in this sitting.

Fahmi said the amendments to the Act would allow social media companies to be more proactive and accountable for online harm on their platforms.

The amendments will focus on three key areas, namely, industry development, network security and social media and licensing.

Following this, experts said that while the amendments to the Act were timely, they also raised concerns about potential overreach, transparency, and clarity.

Citing the "Hot Daddy" case as an example, Fahmi said the government has introduced key changes to the law to ensure that sexual offenders are held accountable.

"We have classified two offences, which are paedophilia and the online sale of pornography, as seizable offences.

"This is not a minor amendment, but a significant step to ensure that criminals, especially those involved in the sale of pornography or possession of sexual materials involving children, are held accountable.

"These individuals are a menace to society.

"Therefore, we are amending the law to enable the police to detain and arrest individuals falling into these two categories," he said.

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