Fadillah: JKKK must use SejaTi Madani funds for community development projects

LUBOK ANTU: The Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) that applies for projects under the Madani Community Prosperity Programme (SejaTi Madani) should focus on efforts to improve the social and economic status of their local communities.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said JKKK in the same district should also not apply for similar projects to avoid duplication and unproductive competition.

"I hope that everyone will not apply for the same type of project. Let it be diverse in each district so that it can provide more comprehensive benefits," he told reporters after the Lubok Antu District SejaTi Madani Assistance Handover Ceremony here today.

According to him, all project applications will go through several stages of evaluation with the JKKK being able to discuss with their district offices who can advise them on suitable projects.

"There is a committee that will evaluate and then it will be taken to the SDO (State Development Office) office through the ICU (Implementation Coordination Unit of the Prime Minister's Department) and that is where the project will be approved," he said.

Fadillah said so far, a total of 1,124 JKKKs have benefited from the SejaTi Madani programme in Sarawak with a total project value of about RM100 million involving the agriculture and food sectors; tailoring and handicrafts; herbs and health; tourism and hospitality; green and recycling activities.

"Next year, I hope that more (applicants) who are already aware of this programme will start planning their projects. The important thing is what can benefit the local community, which can bring in income," he added.

During the event, he presented SejaTi Madani funds amounting to more than RM720,000 to eight JKKKs in the Lubok Antu district for the implementation of smart agriculture projects for vegetables and corn, fish and poultry farming, as well as tourism and hospitality programmes.

The ceremony was also attended by Sarawak Deputy Minister of International Trade and Investment, Datuk Dr Malcolm Mussen Lamoh who is also the Batang Ai state assemblyman.

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