Christmas: Prisons Dept allows family visits on Dec 27-28

KUALA LUMPUR: Families of prison inmates and residents of moral rehabilitation centres, special rehabilitation centres, special detention centres and Henry Gurney School, are permitted visits on Dec 27 and 28, in conjunction with the Christmas celebrations.

The Prisons Department, in a statement today, said that priority will be given to Christian inmates for visitation.

Visitors are not allowed to bring food or beverages for inmates but can purchase them from the prison canteens.

"Visitors must adhere to the established guidelines, including visiting hours starting from 8.15am to 4.15pm, and must bring a visiting card and identification card to facilitate matters," it said.

Visitors are discouraged from giving money to inmates, as all essential facilities are provided by the Prisons Department.

However, should visitors wish to contribute funds for specific matters, such as examination fees, they must obtain an official PPT. 28 receipt, as proof of payment.

"Visitors are subject to the Prison Act and Regulations, which allow the prison to conduct physical inspections when entering and exiting the prison," read the statement.

Additionally, the department announced that online meetings will be available from Dec 29 to 31, offering a chance for families unable to attend in person, to connect with their loved ones.

– Bernama

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