[UPDATED] Govt to review long-term service counter assignments

PUTRAJAYA: The Public Service Department has been directed to review the deployment of government employees who have been serving at service counters for more than five years, to improve efficiency and prevent burnout.

Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar said staff who remain in the same role for extended periods could experience stress and reduced productivity.

This, he said, could impact the quality of public service delivery.

"Serving at counters for more than five years is too long and unsuitable.

"I have requested the PSD to identify staff in such positions and implement a job rotation process," he said when met after delivering his 2025 address at Puspanitapuri here today.

Shamsul added that prolonged service in customer-facing roles could also hinder career advancement, as civil servants may lack exposure to broader operational tasks.

"Staying in counter service for too long could affect their preparation for promotional exams, as they focus primarily on routine tasks.

"Job rotation is essential to introduce fresh challenges and career growth opportunities."

He said while job rotation is a standard practice in the public sector, a more extensive review involving staff who have served for over five years may be implemented soon.

"I hope to see job rotation take effect within one or two months. A circular is unnecessary as this is a normal practice in the public sector.

"This initiative will cover all public service agencies with service counters.

"For specialised services like immigration, for example, staff may remain within the same department but take on different tasks," he said.

He added that the initiative aims to enhance the public service experience by reducing stress among counter staff and addressing service quality issues that could arise from prolonged tenures in customer-facing roles.

Meanwhile, during his address, Shamsul advised government officials to reduce ceremonial visits.

"When visits are ceremonial, many things go unnoticed. As such, make surprise visits, as it is during these visits that we will discover many issues that need attention."

He also called on government agencies and departments to expedite development and digitisation projects.

"For example, the registration for MyDigital ID is still at an unsatisfactory level and needs to be improved in terms of awareness and registration among civil servants and the public."

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