KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian student in Hiroshima, Japan, has been reported missing after being unreachable since Monday.
The 21-year-old student, identified as Hannani, who attends the National Institute of Technology (Kosen) in Kure, is believed to have left campus at noon on Monday and has yet to return.
According to information widely circulated online, the Malaysian embassy and Japanese immigration authorities have been notified of the incident.
So far, the campus has confirmed that Hannani, who left Kure Kosen, has not returned to her dormitory. According to them, efforts to contact her via LINE, Messenger, and WhatsApp have been unsuccessful.
"We have also checked her room and confirmed that she took her passport and wallet. We are now trying to contact other Malaysian students at Kosen.
"If anyone has any information, please contact us. We will also provide updates if there are any developments. Apologies for the delay in reaching out," they said.
Anyone with information on Hannani's whereabouts is asked to contact the Education and Training Advisory Office (PPL) in Tokyo:
Mr. Imran Yusof at +81 80-7561-8080
Ms. Yang Munirah at +60 12-688 8364
Harian Metro reported that it is awaiting confirmation from the Malaysian embassy in Japan regarding the incident.