#NSTviral: Man finds python in toilet bowl in Ipoh

KUALA LUMPUR: A homeowner in Taman Cempaka, Ipoh, got the shock of his life when he saw a reticulated python popping its head out of a toilet bowl.

He immediately called for help and a team of firemen from the Ipoh Fire and Rescue Department rushed to the scene on Thursday to capture the non-venomous snake.

In a post on Balai Bomba Ipoh Facebook page, two photographs of the mission were posted, quickly becoming viral.

The first photo posted showed only the reptile's head poking out of the bowl, while still submerged in the water, whereas the second photo showed rescuers struggling to get the animal out of the bowl.

The post received many likes and comments, which were mostly funny.

Among the comments were from Rahmat Rafiee, who wrote: "The owner will have a phobia to take a dump after this."

Rabiatul 'Adawiyah Ibrahim said she thought it only happened in made-up stories, but realised it can be real.

Meanwhile, Amirul Aimi said: "Just last month, his neighbour from Taman Cempaka killed one python, and a week after that, another neighbour caught another snake, but somehow it got away."

Another user commented to Amirul saying Taman Cempaka is famous for reptile findings because of its close proximity to the river.

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