'Husnuzon', have positive presumptions in all aspects, Pas and Umno members urged

KUALA TERENGGANU: All quarters must exercise ‘husnuzon’ (positive presumptions or thoughts) on the defeat of Umno in the 14th General Election (GE14), which could be a blessing in disguise.

This, Pas Muslimat chief Nuridah Mohd Salleh said, had led to the cooperation between the two parties.

He said the collaboration was for the benefit of Islam in ensuring the survival of the religion, people, and the nation, in general.

“We must be husnuzon in all God wills, be it for Pas that He had yet to grant the position to helm the country, or Umno that was defeated in GE14.

“Each one of us must face (the adversity) calmly and with open hearts so that we will only see the good that came out of everything that had happened.

“When working together, united we stand, divided we fall. So, to work in the name of Islam and for the benefit of the people, (we) will definitely reap the benefits and syafaat (assistance),” she told a Press conference after the launch of Pas Muslimat 58th convention in Taman Tamadun Islam, here, today.

It was launched by Pas vice-president and Syura Council member Idris Ahmad.

Over 700 party delegates and members were present at the assembly, which was attended by Umno Wanita chief Datuk Noraini Ahmad and the wing’s exco members.

Nuridah denied allegations that the Pas-Umno collaboration was seasonal and only evident during by-elections.

“That is probably a personal view. However, if we look back at what party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had said, we will continue to help each other in welfare and religious aspects, while rejecting mungkar (the wrong),” she added.

On the presence of Umno Wanita leaders, Nuridah said it was a step to strengthen the opposition bloc for the wellbeing and benefit of the people.

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