'Umno is not my father's party,' says Nurulhidayah

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid, the daughter of Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, today said the party does not belong to any individual, including her father.

In her debate on the presidential policy speech during the 2024 Umno General Assembly, Nurulhidayah said the party belonged to all Malays, including those who have not yet joined Umno.

"Umno is not owned by any individual, it is not owned by my father or anyone's father.

"The party belongs to all of us. It belongs to the delegates, to our children, grandchildren, and all Malays, including those who have yet to join the party.

"A sense of ownership and belonging is essential for us to defend this party together and I am confident that whoever the party president may be in the future will be able to prevent the party from becoming a bargaining chip," she said.

On the power-sharing arrangements following the establishment of the unity government after the 15th General Election (GE15), Nurulhidayah said Umno must navigate these arrangements wisely to strengthen the party both internally and externally.

"As a country that practises democracy, we have adhered to the principle of sharing power with our partners from various ethnic groups for decades.

"Fate has now brought us to a phase where we must share power with those who were once our enemies.

"Let us use these power-sharing arrangements wisely and rest assured, Umno is not a party to be taken lightly."

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